ConstructSim Planner CONNECT Edition Update 5 Help

Adding Links to Elements

After you have created links in a link set, you can attach one or more of these links to an element in the open DGN file. This allows you to click the element and open the files that are linked to it. For example, you could add a link to a Microsoft Excel workbook that contains specifications and costs for beams. Then you could link this Excel workbook to the element representing the beam in the DGN file so that anyone viewing the DGN file would have access to the specifications.

In DGN workmode you are able to add multiple links to a single element. Once links are added to an element, when you position your pointer on the element you see a link icon, a list of links, the links' paths relative to the DGN file containing the links, and the linked files' names.
Note: A PDF file does not support multiple links on an element. So if you export a DGN file containing multiple links on a single element to PDF, only one link will be displayed on the element in PDF.

Link icon and information about links added to the selected element

You also can see information about an element's links on the Links tab in the Project Explorer dialog.

If you no longer want the linked file to be attached to the element, you can delete the link.

Tip: If a target file cannot be located, the link will be broken. This happens if you delete or rename the target file. If you try to open the target of the broken link through Project Explorer, you will receive an error message.